OKAY OKAY OKAY !! Don't even read this if your a sceptic or if you are read and laugh anyway.
Another day spent on the computer! and i found this and i though WHAT THE HELL! $1 dollar to each person by the way thats 0.64 GBP to us Brits!!
So i will keep you posted on my earnings/loss....

(THIS IS THE TeXT I FOUND, As it read)

THE PAYPAL 6 DOLLAR GLOBAL MONEY-MAKING SYSTEM! As Seen On TV - OPRAH & 20/20 - TURN $6 into $24600+ and OVER & OVER (GBP CONVERSION) AS SEEN ON OPRAH - EARN HUGE £££££’s STARTING TOMORROW!! All you need is: 1) An Email address 2) A PayPal account 3) $6.00 - REMEMBER TO CONVERT IN GBP!! or own currency


What do you have to lose? You are only sending 1 dollar (0.64GBP) to six people. I was sceptical at first, but over a few days, hundreds starting appearing in my PayPal account!

It’s like Christmas morning every day!! (And I’m still emailing my lists and the £££££££ are still rolling into my PayPal account on a daily basis....happy days!) INSTRUCTIONS: STEP 1: The first thing to do is highlight and SAVE this entire post in word or notepad or copy and paste on your computer, so you can come back to it later. After that, if you are not already a PayPal user you need to go to the PayPal website and SIGN UP. If you want to be able to receive credit card payments from other people then you will need to sign up for a PREMIER or BUSINESS account (not just a PERSONAL account). This is highly recommended to allow others easy payment options. In order to place the initial $6 into your account, you will have to verify your bank account with PayPal (which may take a few days). PayPal is 100% secure and is used by millions of people worldwide.

STEP 2: Here is where the action occurs. The first thing to do is to send a $1.00 payment to each of the 6 email addresses on the current list from your PayPal account. To do this quickly and successfully, follow these simple steps: 1. Login to PayPal and click on the "Send Money" tab near the top of the screen 2. In the "Recipient's Email" field enter the email address 3. In the "Amount" field enter "1" (This is your $1.00 payment) 4. In the "Category" field select "Service" (Keeping it legal) (continue)
5. In the "Subject" field type "EMAIL LIST", and in the "NOTE" field Enter "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST". By doing this, you are creating a service, and maintaining the legality of the system by ”paying" for the service. 6. Finally, click on the "Continue" button to complete the payment. Repeat these steps for each of the 6 email addresses.

That's it! By sending the $1.00 payment to each address, you are implementing the compounding POWER of the system. You will reap what you sow! For the sake of 6 measly dollars, there is no need to cheat this system, or no-one will ever get paid. Everyone always gets paid over and over by thousands and thousands by promoting it across the entire internet to billions.
Here is the current June 10 Email list: This is the Email list to send $1 to each PayPal account:


STEP 2: Now take the #1 email off of the list that you see above (from your saved file), move the other addresses up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4,etc.) and add YOUR Email address (the one used for your PayPal account) as number 6 on the list. This is the only part of the document that should be changed. ** Make sure your Email address is the one you have registered with PayPal ** MAKE SURE IT IS CORRECT!!!!

STEP 3: Post this letter to as many forums as possible. You can search google for free forums that allow posts. Also, send this as an email to your lists/downlines and friends. Then just watch the money roll in daily into your PayPal account!
Just think of the RESULTS you can obtain when your email is shown to millions of people each and every day and they pay you! You can also build your lists from everyone that sends you a dollar/ £ or on whatever currency shore your email lands!

You just cannot buy this anywhere, people sending you $1 AND you are building your list of contacts/prospects with their address at the same time. Simply follow the $6 PayPal Money Making System, as featured on Oprah and we are all winners!

To all your success


A Personal note - i have just returned from the Doctors, with an armful of prescription tablets, apparently to "make me Better" i have 5 prolapsed discs in my neck! And go from good days to bad days! however although i am also awaiting the dreaded note from "the JOB" to tell me i am being made redundant! even though the accident happened at work! Boy is my lawyer going to be busy!
So in between i have been confined to the house I now find myself writing my thoughts onto my Blogger - where will this go I have no idea....but as the days progress i hope to write.....