This is sort of like my Diary of work.
I have shown you my journey from wanting to make money online, to ACTUALLY making money online. (Or in some cases winning prizes)
Not many people seemed to find me, advertising in FREE online advertisment companies worked to some extent, like, my favourite Viva Street, however that was not "driving" visitors to my website.
I love using Squidoo, its an online platform to showcase your interests. You can build a lens about anything, your hobbies, places of interest or just your view on a certain subject.
With Squidoo, I have learned what others promise you for FREE, this inside information to help my "brand" grow.
I worked away on my lenses and was interested to see not only were the comments and interest high, but also visitors to my personal website jumped too.
I can understand peoples frustration - all the promises of wealth overnight, this has taken time and a huge learning curve but a willingness to stick it out
even when it gets tough, I joined some blogging forums and managed to get motivation and encouragement from their members, Its so different from an office "dog eat dog enviroment" I have been amazed at how many people actually want to help you.
I never understood much about "HTML", I have learned (at least the basics), I never understood "backlinks", and I never could figure out "SEO". Yeah You guessed it with Squidoo, and its community, my brand is now starting to be noticed by Goolge itself.
Do I now know these terms,? yes, but I am still learning...
In fact one of my lenses was so popular it has ranked at highest #73 in the Work at Home catagory (which is a pretty tough catagory...)
Multiple Streams of Income
Whilst writing my lenses I like to include photos, I usually try to use my own
Lisa Auch - Fotolia
However sometimes you just want a simple poster picture.
I use

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If you want to use Posters on your website you can also make money with your website.