Halloween is coming...

Yes its that time of year, and the panic starts! what on earth are the kids going to dress up as?
Last year my daughter had this notion Lady Gaga. It was really easy to put it together, although I had to sacrafice a handbag!

You can see it over here Homemade Lady Gaga Costume

What about a little treat bag for the children to collect their candy in?
Check out the top picks for Candy bags, and pails
what about some Halloween Childrens Battery operated Lanterns?

And the all important Candy bowls

Light up the windows to let the children know you welcome the Trick or treaters

With these gorgeous spooky Tealight Candle Holders

And finally meet the trick or treaters your very own lifesized personal Animated Halloween greeter and candy holder 

Will the eReader replace Paper books?

Join in the debate (you do not need to be a member to join in!)

Will you not give up your paper books without a fight, or will your love of technology make you just have to have the kindle eReader.

If like me you love nothing better than snuggling down with your book, the feel of the paper. will you give in a get an eReader?

See what others are saying

Will the eReader replace my Paper Books

Squidoo Help

PotpieGirl aka Jennifer, has used Squidoo as her platform for publishing online and for making that all important cash, she has devised a weeks marketing stratagey plan, broken down into daily tasks, for success.

Does it work, well you are reading this?

I have follwed PotPieGirls success and instead of seeing a trickle of visitors daily I now have figure I could only dream of in the beginning.

Are you struggling with your marketing efforts, sometimes you do just need a helping hand, and sometimes what you get tied up in thinking is the right thing to do, turns out to be the biggest waste of your energy.
PotpieGirl helps you to identify your strengths, and focus on them making it possible for whatever your chosen field (I use Squidoo, Hubpages, Wordpress, and Blogger)
Would I be doing all that if it was not working? No. Have I truly honestly seen the results I wanted- YES

Pick up your copy of One week Marketing by PotpieGirl  Click Here!

Until next time Lisa