(remember to bookmark this page)

For every survey that a panelist completes, the Valued Opinions account will be creditied.

Survey central will send you the most relevant and upto date surveys available for you to help maximise your earnings.
New Vista - New company site, register for your chance to win
With the strong support of their panel members, they have developed the world’s largest consumer panel and they are the premier global provider of market research information to major corporations worldwide which you can be a member of! (UK)

You will receive credits for your participation called E-Points, which you can exchange for incentives, e.g. from Amazon. In 2009 alone, they gave incentives worth over 500,000 Euros in total to our participants.There will be no costs or responsibilities for you. The participation in their projects is always voluntary and not binding.
Search through this toolbar (just the same as using google) and earn points for doing so - redeem for cash/prizes

Search through this toolbar (just the same as using google) and earn points for doing so - redeem for cash/prizes

-----------------------------------I am also a current member of these US companies. ----------------------------------------------
If you have opened a PAY PAL ( if you are serious at making EXTRA CASH THEN THIS IS A MUST) account then I love these US websites very easy to use.
Survey SAVVY -- I personally love this one - (when registering remember to click on UK)If you qualify for and complete the survey, we will credit your SurveySavvy account for the amount mentioned in your invitation.
You can also increase your incentive potential by referring friends and family to SurveySavvy.

(conversion to £££'s via Pay pal)

•Online Studies - Receive email notifications every few days about new chances to earn $1 for completing a simple online survey.
•Opinion Polls - Receive fun opinion polls in your Inbox a few times each week and earn 25¢ every time you share your opinion.
•Member Newsletter - Stay informed. Every two weeks you'll receive an email about your account balance, new opportunities and bonus offers.
** (some offers require YOU to SIGN up for their OFFERS - so always work out how much YOUR RETURN WILL BE)**