Squidoo? You can Get paid for your Writing

I Squidoo do you?

When I first started this Blog, I was making extra money from filling out surveys, then I realised the power of Affiliate Marketing, then, I realised how to write and publish online.

So  although my journey started, I have completely changed course, and I am glad I did.
Without any proper training, and learning as I go. I have managed to create a great portfolio of my work over on Squidoo 

Now I like being involved in forums and communities but you have to be pretty leather skinned sometimes, people are quite protective of their forum! and it can be hard to create a good reputation, amongst your peers.

Squidoo is peer driven, and this mean yes you do need to work, don't go in all guns ablazing these guys have been around the block for a while, and seen it all. So learn from them Respect them, in turn you will earn their respect.

If I could have imagined that this cute squid had google power and  my views per DAY to my aritcle were what my Views per month were to ALL my blogs together. I would have signed up long ago.

I  stil have all my other work, but my love is Squidoo, which in turn has helped my other work.

If you would like to go over and check it out sing up for your account here 

See you over there, If you want to check my portfolio out   Visit LisaAuch on Squidoo